Flux at the Annual Time Travel Convention
Zachary Gullett on Nov 4th 2014
We're proud to announce that for the first time ever, Flux will be attending the annual Time Travel Convention! The event will take place July 22-24th, 2016 and tickets are on sale now. In order to purchase tickets, you must own a time travel device. Starting today, tickets may be purchased through us until the day of the convention by purchasing any time travel device or ship and adding it to your purchase. If you already have purchased one from us in the past, we will be emailing you a special link to purchase the tickets. Please call us to purchase your tickets if you decide to purchase them after ordering from us or if you do not receive the email.
In order to help celebrate, all time and space travel ships and devices are now on sale for 10% off until July 21st! Just enter coupon code: L712276KC to get the discount.